Class 10 - History

Print culture and the modern world Online MCQs Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8 Set-9 Set-10 Set-11 Set-12 Set-13 Set-14 Set-15 Set-16 Set-17 Set-18 Set-19 Set-20 Set-21 Set-22 Set-23 Set-24 Set-25 Set-26

Set 9

1. What did print create the possibility of in terms of ideas?

2. What was feared about the easier access to the printed word?

3. In what sphere of life did the anxiety about the printed word have implications?

4. In 1517, who wrote Ninety-Five Theses criticizing the Roman Catholic Church?

5. Where was a printed copy of Martin Luther's Ninety-Five Theses posted?

6. What did Luther's challenge to the Church lead to?

7. How did Luther's writings spread after being posted on the church door?

8. According to Luther, what did he consider printing to be?

9. What intellectual atmosphere do some scholars attribute to print in relation to the Reformation?

10. How did Luther's translation of the New Testament perform in terms of sales?

class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World

Print Culture And The Modern World Complete Chapter Explanation


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