Class 10 - History

Print culture and the modern world Online MCQs Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8 Set-9 Set-10 Set-11 Set-12 Set-13 Set-14 Set-15 Set-16 Set-17 Set-18 Set-19 Set-20 Set-21 Set-22 Set-23 Set-24 Set-25 Set-26

Set 24

1. In nineteenth-century Madras towns, where were very cheap small books sold to allow poor people to buy them?

2. Where were public libraries mostly located in the early twentieth century?

3. Why did rich local patrons set up libraries in the late nineteenth century?

4. In the late nineteenth century, what issue began to be written about in many printed tracts and essays?

5. Who wrote about the injustices of the caste system in his Gulamgiri (1871)?

6. Who wrote powerfully on caste in the twentieth century in Maharashtra?

7. What did local protest movements and sects create in the twentieth century?

8. Who wrote and published "Chhote Aur Bade Ka Sawal" in 1938 to show the links between caste and class exploitation?

9. Whose poems were brought together and published in a collection called "Sacchi Kavitayan"?

10. In which city did Sudarshan Chakr, a Kanpur millworker, write his poems between 1935 and 1955?

class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World

Print Culture And The Modern World Complete Chapter Explanation


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