Class 10 - History

Print culture and the modern world Online MCQs Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8 Set-9 Set-10 Set-11 Set-12 Set-13 Set-14 Set-15 Set-16 Set-17 Set-18 Set-19 Set-20 Set-21 Set-22 Set-23 Set-24 Set-25 Set-26

Set 8

1. What did the printing press contribute to the emergence of?

2. How did printing affect the cost of books?

3. What change did printing bring to the production of books?

4. How did books reach out to an ever-growing readership?

5. Before the age of print, who had access to reading?

6. What type of culture did common people live in before the age of print?

7. What was the primary mode of knowledge transfer before the age of print?

8. Why did publishers publish popular ballads and folk tales with illustrations?

9. How did oral culture enter print?

10. What happened to the line that separated oral and reading cultures with the advent of print?

class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World

Print Culture And The Modern World Complete Chapter Explanation


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