Class 10 - History

Print culture and the modern world Online MCQs Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8 Set-9 Set-10 Set-11 Set-12 Set-13 Set-14 Set-15 Set-16 Set-17 Set-18 Set-19 Set-20 Set-21 Set-22 Set-23 Set-24 Set-25 Set-26

Set 4

1. What art form was Kitagawa Utamaro known for?

2. Which artists were influenced by prints from Japan in the 18th century?

3. Who identified subjects and commissioned artists for ukiyo prints?

4. What was the role of a woodblock carver in the ukiyo print process?

5. What happened to the original drawing in the ukiyo print process?

6. In what century did Chinese paper reach Europe via the silk route?

7. Who brought the knowledge of woodblock printing from China to Italy?

8. What technology did Marco Polo bring back to Italy from China?

9. How did Europeans initially view printed books in comparison to handwritten manuscripts?

10. Who were the primary buyers of the cheaper printed copies in Europe?

class 10 chapter 5: Print-Culture-And-The-Modern-World

Print Culture And The Modern World Complete Chapter Explanation


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