Class 10 - Science

Light Reflection and Refraction Online MCQ Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 9: LIGHT
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8

Set 4

1. What happens when light rays strike a mirror and bounce back in a different direction?

2. What type of reflection occurs when light rays hit a rough surface and scatter in all directions?

3. In which type of mirror, parallel light rays converge to a focal point after reflection?

4. Which type of mirror is commonly used by makeup artists for applying makeup?

5. Which type of mirror can provide a wider field of view and is used in rearview mirrors of automobiles?

6. What is the primary use of a periscope, which typically employs multiple mirrors?

7. Which type of mirror is used in solar concentrators to focus sunlight onto a small area?

8. In which type of mirror, the reflected image is always upright and virtual?

9. What is the phenomenon where light undergoes a change in direction as it passes from one medium to another?

10. In which type of mirror, the image is always the same size as the object?

class 10 chapter 9: LIGHT

Light Reflection and Refraction Complete Chapter Explanation


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