Class 10 - Science

Light Reflection and Refraction Online MCQ Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 9: LIGHT
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8

Set 2

1. What type of image is formed by a plane mirror?

2. What is the nature of the image formed in a plane mirror?

3. In a plane mirror, the image is:

4. When you look at yourself in a plane mirror, the left side of your face appears:

5. How does the distance between an object and its image in a plane mirror compare to the actual distance between them?

6. What happens to the orientation of a letter 'L' when it is reflected in a plane mirror?

7. In a plane mirror, how does the distance between your eyes and the mirror affect the size of your image?

8. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a plane mirror?

9. In a plane mirror, the image is located:

10. In a plane mirror, what is the angle of incidence equal to?

class 10 chapter 9: LIGHT

Light Reflection and Refraction Complete Chapter Explanation


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