Class 10 - History

The Making Of A Global World Online MCQs Test

Olympiad Level MCQs Also Included
class 10 chapter 3:The Making Of A Global World
Set-1 Set-2 Set-3 Set-4 Set-5 Set-6 Set-7 Set-8 Set-9 Set-10 Set-11 Set-12 Set-13 Set-14 Set-15 Set-16 Set-17 Set-18 Set-19 Set-20 Set-21 Set-22 Set-23 Set-24 Set-25 Set-26 Set-27 Set-28 Set-29 Set-30 Set-31 Set-32

Set 6

1. What led to the increased demand for food grains in Britain in the late eighteenth century?

2. What was the impact of urban expansion and industrial growth on the demand for agricultural products?

3. What were the 'Corn Laws' aimed at restricting?

4. What led to the abolition of the Corn Laws?

5. What impact did the abolition of the Corn Laws have on British agriculture?

6. What happened to vast areas of land after the Corn Laws were scrapped?

7. What was the consequence of the abolition of the Corn Laws on employment?

8. What contributed to the rise in consumption in Britain after the abolition of the Corn Laws?

9. What contributed to the expansion of food production around the world to meet British demand?

10. What infrastructure was required to link agricultural regions to ports after lands were cleared for agriculture?

class 10 chapter 3:The Making Of A Global World

The Making Of A Global World Complete Chapter Explanation


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